ding dong the witch is dead, the witch is dead!
so my internet connection has been awful ever since the first ice storm hit a week or so ago. i hope it's the weather, but i'm afearin' it may be the modem. in any event - sorries for not being by more at everybunny's blogs! i've been reading when i can get a connection.now about that dead witch...
i won't be shedding any tears. i just hope they leave their creepy position papers and letters that they wrote to government types around here somewhere in cyberspace for future reference... that draft of rebuilding america's defenses was by far one of the more disturbing things i've ever read.
the project for a new american century is no more. never thought i'd see the day. guess they completed their mission? got what they wanted? and just look at how wonderful and pretty the world is after all their hard work! way to go, kristol, et al!
or could they just be regrouping to form a new little club? hmmmm.....
i also just realized that it is blog for choice day.

here's my few cents. to me, it's simple. a woman should never ever be forced to be pregnant against her wishes, especially by a bunch of old white guys.
Labels: pnac, william kristol